Recent generations
From the archives—Pure Michigan Statewide Singalong
I have retrieved blog posts and web pages from the old site for Our Heritage. I’ll be posting some of them here from time to time. My first reoffering is the Pure Michigan…
The Tenuous Thread of Life
When Minnie Bell Springsteen was born in the summer of 1882 in Norfolk County, Ontario, she had nine older brothers and sisters to look after her. Minnie’s parents, Daniel and Mary Jane Springsteen,…
Case and Springsteen 2015 Reunion
As usual, we had beautiful weather yesterday for the reunion, and it was good to be together again. I printed and shared a few pictures from old reunions and got identification for most of…
Verda’s Reunions
Verda Case Springsteen Olsen gathered her family for reunions every year from almost as far back in time as I can remember. That tradition has been carried on to this day, and it’s…
Bill, Babe, and Abe
Back in Dad’s carving days, he created a relief carving of his dad, Aden Springsteen, with his dad’s team of horses. Bill and Babe were used on the farm during the Great Depression…