- Aden Springsteen's heritage, Coyne Kidder's heritage, Joseph Dlouhy's heritage, Marie Fisher's heritage, Richard Van Zandt's heritage, Rose Karel's heritage, Verda Case's heritage
Families—handle with care
In our families we might not always get along with each other, but for most of us our families are our home. Whether received by birth, adoption, or marriage, our families are people…
The Tenuous Thread of Life
When Minnie Bell Springsteen was born in the summer of 1882 in Norfolk County, Ontario, she had nine older brothers and sisters to look after her. Minnie’s parents, Daniel and Mary Jane Springsteen,…
Of course there’s more
I thought it was interesting when I discovered that my great grandfather Clyde Fisher was listed in the 1900 census as an inmate of the Ohio State Penitentiary. Further investigation revealed that he…
Any more surprises, Staats?
Who could ask for a more interesting ancestor? It seems that every time I learn something new about Staats Springsteen I’m as apt as not to find myself shaking my head and chuckling…
Case and Springsteen 2015 Reunion
As usual, we had beautiful weather yesterday for the reunion, and it was good to be together again. I printed and shared a few pictures from old reunions and got identification for most of…
Verda’s Reunions
Verda Case Springsteen Olsen gathered her family for reunions every year from almost as far back in time as I can remember. That tradition has been carried on to this day, and it’s…
Staats and Anna Springsteen—So Many Questions
My four-times-great grandparents Staats and Anna Springsteen were people of no apparent public consequence, yet they left bits and pieces of evidence of their lives that continue to perplex me. While the very…
Katherine Keck’s Life Reads Like Romance
Here is a transcription of the newspaper clipping from Agnes Springsteen’s scrapbook about her mother’s life experiences. Katherine Keck’s Life Reads Like Romance Mrs. Katherine Keck, whose maiden name was Kurtz, was born…
Searching for Kate Keck’s Origins
My interest in family history began in the early 1960s when my friend Eric started researching his family tree. I talked with family members and outlined as much as I could learn about…
Revisiting the American Civil War—Thomas Green
Thomas M. Green, 1830-1910 Thomas Green served as a private in Company C of the 13th Michigan Infantry. He enlisted in North Plains Township, Ionia County, Michigan on 29 February 1864 and mustered…