Greetings from Our Heritage, 2022
The years just fly, a reminder that time is insignificant in the eternal scheme of things. After dodging the Covid bullet for so long, we finally got it in April. Fortunately, immunizations kept our illness from being serious.
We have enjoyed spending time with our family this year here and in California. While we miss family and friends in Michigan, it feels good to be back in our Carolina home.
We lost loved ones this year, and we’re mindful of loss twenty-five years ago. This is another gentle reminder that we should put aside disagreements and embrace those who remain. This life is given to us for a reason, and our family is part of it.
Dee is still creating quilts for people near and far, and I continue to make inroads exploring our family history. Dee helps with our church food fellowship, I with music, and both of us with learning and outreach.
We wish you comfort and joy for this 2022 holiday season. In our faith tradition, we wish you Merry Christmas! At this time of both sadness and gladness, look for the Prince of Peace.