Fare thee well, Don Sovereign
We called him Unca Don. I guess my brothers and I were Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

Don Sovereign was born in Belding, Michigan the son of Harold and Marie Sovereign. He was Mom’s brother, a good neighbor, and a man of faith. Don and Aunt Suzanne raised five daughters and sons, and he became Grandpa Sovereign to many.

Don claimed to be his mother’s favorite, so everyone wore Marie’s Favorite pins to a reunion years ago. Don has passed from this realm, but he lives on in his family. His obituary is here and here.
We miss you, Unca Don. Godspeed.

Von Ann Stutler
My deepest condolences to Suzanne and family. I always loved Don ( maybe even had a crush on him when we were young). He was terrific guy!
Thank you, Von Ann. I remember Don talking about a relatively recent visit to Sheridan. Were you in Nancy’s grade?