Two years ago we called off the reunion when public gatherings were discouraged and the East Riverside Park was closed. Last year we didn’t send reminder cards because gathering was still considered too risky. Did anyone attend? This year, having heard no interest expressed in gathering, no arrangements have been made for a reunion. With new generations and far-flung families, perhaps our reunions are passing on with most of our elders.
Verda Case Springsteen Olsen greatly valued her family. As long as we retain memories we can appreciate generations of what I have called Verda’s great big family. Here again are some pictures of reunions past.
Marian and Marie Olsen, Pearl and Pete Case, Eddie and Hud Springsteen, 1984Ed Springsteen with Phyllis, Barbara, Corky and Ted Case, 1984Verda Olsen with Dude and Madge Pontius’s family, 1982Ed, Harold, Hud, Mick and Joe Springsteen, Madge Pontius, Lorna Wolf and Mary Springsteen, about 1981Mike, Debby, Nancy and NickJoyce Springsteen Peiffer and Ed SpringsteenJohn, Greg and MikeSteve, Rodney and HudLorna Wolf with Pilkintons and McMellensPontius family, 2005Mick and Hud Springsteen, 2005Margaret and Dave Cranmer, 2005Velma Case Cranmer in purpleMike and Eddie Springsteen making music, 1979Merritt Olsen playing and Verda clapping with the Springsteen jug bandEd Springsteen playing Merritt Olsen’s dulcimer2016 reunionReunion 2018Ed, Joe, Harold, Donovan “Mick” and Harold “Hud” SpringsteenMick Springsteen’s family
Hud Springsteen’s family
Tom and Dorothy Pilkinton’s family (John Case’s clan)Dick and Joyce Peiffer’s family (Harold Springsteen’s clan) Hud and Dot Springsteen with Dave and Margaret Cranmer (Frank Case’s family)2017Mick and Helen’s family, 2005Fred and Verda Olsen’s family, 1970 Lorna, Hud, Madge, and Ed, 2015Madge’s family, 2016Madge and Dude’s family, 2009Kim and Greg Pilkinton, Lorna Wolf, Dave and Missy McMellen, 2005Ed, Hud, and LornaKevin and NickCase reunion, late 1970sCase reunion, early 1950sCase reunion, early 1950sMick, Ed, Harold, and Hud Springsteen, 1999
It all began here.
Verda Case and Aden Springsteen, about 1918 (no, that’s not a real dog)