Verda Case Springsteen Olsen gathered her family for reunions every year from almost as far back in time as I can remember. That tradition has been carried on to this day, and it’s almost time to gather the clan again.
For over a decade now we’ve been joining for pot luck dinners at the East Riverside Park in Belding, thanks to arrangements made by Dave and Margaret Cranmer.
Here are a few old pictures. Who can identify the people in these photos for me? I don’t know them all.
Frank, Avey, Elsie, Loretta, Pete, Ed, Charlie, Verda, and John CaseReunion at Olsen’s in SheridanProbably at Grandma and Grandpa Olsen’sReunion in the Late 1970sMick, Ed, Harold, and Hud Springsteen in 19992014 ReunionEast Riverside Park in BeldingEast Riverside Park Pavilion
I’m a descendant of Staats’ brother Casper. I enjoyed reading all of the things you found on Staats. He seems to have been quite the character.
Donna, yes Staats certainly does seem to have been quite a character.
You might be interested in our cousin’s book: